Domaines d'intervention
- Droit de l’Union européenne – droit de la concurrence et du contrôle des concentrations
- Droit pénal économique et droit pénal international
- Contentieux et règlement des différends
- Droit administratif et contentieux administratif
Giulia Francesca Jaeger has been admitted to the Luxemburg Bar in 2011. She advises national and international clients in the areas of her specialization including, in particular, economic criminal law, administrative law, national and European competition law and specializes in energy law. She is a founding member of the Luxembourg Energy Law Association, an observer member of European Federation of Energy Law Associations (EFELA) and a member of the European Lawyer’s association (UAE), the Luxemburg Association for the Study of Competition Law and the Luxembourg Observatory of European Law. She is the author of numerous publications. She is candidate notary since 2012.
- 2010 Master II en droit européen, LL.M. (secteur contentieux européen) – université de Luxembourg
- 2009 Master I en droit européen, LL.M. – université de Luxembourg
- 2005-2010 Laurea Magistrale in Giurisprudenza – LUISS Università Guido Carli, Rome, (Master en droit – mémoire sur « Il mercato europeo del farmaco »)
Italien, Français, Anglais, Allemand, Luxembourgeois
Giulia Francesca Jaeger publie régulièrement des articles spécialisés.
Analysis of the decision-making practice concerning fines of the Luxemburg Competition Authority , Journal des Tribunaux Luxembourg, 2014
The proposed accession of the European Union to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights Fundamental Freedoms, Romanian Journal of European Law, 2014
Co-author « Public Procurement Law – Luxemburg Report » under the direction of Ulla Neergaard, (FIDE 2014)
General presentation of the law of 23 October 2011 on competition , in Luxembourg Competition Law, under the coordination of Gabriel BLESER, (Legitech, 2016)